
This pain within
This ache
This hurt
Today I have come to terms

This distance
This sorrow
All that I can’t understand
I must let go

This mindset
All the darkness within

Every immoral thought
unfulfilled need

Must be buried
Left to rot
Die in unfertile soil

I vow
Some way
Some how

To bury the past
And to just let everything go…

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Silver Poetry



A spider, centred on graceful feet,

is watching me.


Anticipation shimmies,

poetry and bitter glee!


The gurgling, mud-speckled machine is

righteous, it preaches to silver kettle with ferocity.


The toaster is coy.


Fork and spoon people quiver.


Glass soldiers clink in their morning cupboard.


Orchids celebrate this return to sun,

this moist orchestra of green enlightenment.


My tongue and mind are dancing!


The dawn is plush with bohemian rhythm,


I am heavenly breath…


Oh my heart leaps across silver dew,

rejoicing in this cacophony,

this thumping, burlesque hymn!


So JOYOUS here

in my winking coffeehouse!

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Đông Thiên

Chương 51: Bang chủ mới


Thứ bảy ngày x tháng x. Thời tiết: trời trong xanh.


Tối thứ bảy trôi qua rất không vui !!

Nếu muốn hỏi mình tại sao không vui, đầu tiên phải trách baba mình, là ba bảo mình tối thứ bảy qua nhà đồ đểu Ân Dự ngủ, còn nói hôm sau không đến tối không thể về nhà. Baba là trứng thối, rõ ràng thầy Phương nói tối thứ bảy đến thăm hỏi gia đình học sinh, tại sao phải đuổi mình đi a? Con mãnh liệt yêu cầu thầy giúp con mắng baba!

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But That's For Another Blog

Ashley, Tracy, and I just had a long email discussion that started with Google and ended with the GREATEST SHOW OF FRIENDSHIP EVER!!

Me: I know you both know this, but… DO NOT GOOGLE SEARCH WEIRD MEDICAL SYMPTOMS YOUR ARE HAVING!!!! Google had me believing I was dying of this crazy new untreatable disease… instead it ends up I have a sunburn on the top off my head…

Tracy: OMG NO! You don’t do that, everything ends in Cancer!!

Me: I Know! And I had all the symptoms, unexplainable depression, short attention span, itching!

Ashley: Was one of the symptoms not being able to remember people’s names?

Me: YES! Short Term Memory Loss!

Ashley: Oh My God YOU’RE DYING!!

Me: Shut up, it’s a sunburn! STOP FREAKING ME OUT!

Ashley: I just Googled my symptoms I’ve been having from this diet… and I’m dying.


Ashley: Will you promise me that you…

View original post 169 more words

Important Advice About Easing Your Back Pain 90892

One of the worst parts about living with back pain is that it can often be difficult to realize exactly what is causing it. This article can help you to identify some of the roots of your pain and it even provides tips on how to live with and eventually remove back pain.

Quit smoking. Among all of its other health risks, smoking can reduce the blood supply to the vertebrae that make up your spine. This loss of blood flow results in degeneration of the disks, making them more susceptible to injury and damage. This sort of disk damage doesn’t cause passing back pain but permanent injury. Laying comfortably might not be the best thing for your back. Slouching can feel rather relaxing, but it is important not to do this because it works your muscles harder than it does when you do not slouch. Be aware of your posture. The right posture works with your spine and your hips to take pressure off your back, but bad posture strains your back muscles. Be aware of how you are standing and where you are holding tightness and pressure. An awareness of your body will help you to fix any back problems you have.

If you’re riding in the car for long periods, try putting a towel in the arch of your back for extra support. Also, make sure to move your seat a little forward or back every once in a while so that your spine has a chance to move and doesn’t get stiff. Premium Car Charger For Nokia Nuron 5230 Free Stars Stripes Silicone Wristband Prevention is always the best option when it comes to back pain. You should wear sensible shoes (lower heels for ladies, no spikes) and watch your posture in order to avoid back problems. By making a few minor lifestyle changes you may be able to minimize or avoid back pain altogether. Stop smoking! When you smoke you decrease the amount of oxygen that is given to your body. Of primary concern for back pain sufferers is the amount of oxygen that is sent to spinal tissues. When your back needs to heal from injury or build strength, one of the first ingredients it needs is oxygen.

By understanding the different causes of back pain it should be easier for you to identify what could be causing it for you. While this article has covered some of the causes, remember that there are others as well and a medical professional should be better able to help you.

Fujitsu Air Conditioner Ford Repair

The robot vacuum cleaner mainly looks like a disk and not anywhere like a movie robot with appendages. Maintenance on humidifiers with no filters is extremely simply. Such a long time that customers often think it is not being added, and blame the additive for problems it has nothing to do with House Furnishings Review magazine promoted the Cafetiere double blown-glass maker. Extra resources You can save a lot if you fix an appliance and then keep using it for the next ten years. Andirons are a nice way to add a special touch to your fireplace.